Facebook Lead Ads
Facebook lead ads can be used to add contact forms to your ads so you can request email addresses or contact info from people who click on your ad.
Lead ads can be used to collect sign-ups for newsletters, price estimates, follow-up calls and business information.
How To Create Lead Ads?
You can create and edit Lead Ads in Power Editor. It’s a tool for creating and managing Facebook ads. Click on ‘Create Campaign’. Furthermore, click on ‘Lead Generation’ as your objective. Proceed with ad creation like you usually would until you get to the ‘Lead Form’ section. Click on ‘Create New Form’ to create your Lead Generation campaign. Next up are some standard questions that are ideal for all kinds of industries, and every question can be asked with either free text fields or with a preset list of options.
Tricks For Maximizing The Potential Of Conversion Rate
It doesn’t make sense to have a campaign that sucks. But, with just a few tricks your Lead Generation Campaign can and will be successful:
Send a direct message – By putting a direct message in your text you attract people. An example of a direct message is: “Click Here”, “Don’t Miss This Amazing Offer”, “Free Merchandise” etc. You can get really creative with this as long as you lead people to get to the end of this process.
Convert your customers at once – This means that you should have a path that leads your customers and sends from the first part to the last. Let me clarify that for you:
Your Post – „Get your …. here“
Lead Ad – Where they leave their name and email
„Visit Website“ – After they left their name and email
Send them to your landing page – „Click here to get your …“
Customers get your offer
Test your Call to Action – This one is pretty easy, but also important if you want to get the best of your Lead Generation Campaign. Test your Call to Action (Download, Learn More, Sign Up etc.) to see which one works best for you and stick to it.